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  • Identifying the optimal product bundle and price

    A major player in the battery market wanted to understand the trade-off on various features for optimal pricing and features. The company needed direction on what features to include, and an acceptable price to charge to maximize revenue.

    Using a Discrete Choice methodology we were able to identify which product features areas were most important to customers, and which bundle of products best met their needs. Our research enabled our clients to evaluate numerous “what if” scenarios to determine product pricing and benefits for good, better and best product lines.

  • Identifying opportunities to expand usage within my category

    The marketing department of an entertainment company was charged with determining if a corporate acquisition would grow their business.

    To identify if vertical expansion via company acquisition would be profitable and fit within the current brand identity.

    The brand decided not to move forward with a acquisition because of poor brand fit. In order to grow within this category, they decided to further develop the current product offerings at several locations as a test.

  • Uncovering shopper insights for retailer negotiation

    The corporate research department wanted to better understand how consumers shopped in the product category at mass merchandisers to best represent their brand interests among retailers.

    To understand the customer shopping process for an automotive related product at mass merchandise stores.

    The brand was able to influence shelf space, guide locations and improve product training materials for retail associates.

  • Helping brands find their unique position

    A non-profit organization was interested in understanding their unique position within the market versus other non-profit and for profit competitive sources.

    To understand perceptions toward the organization among industry professionals and to identify current strengths and weaknesses among members.

    The marketing team was able to use this information in strategy development for member acquisition efforts, in messaging and communication and to make operational changes to move the business forward.

  • Assess sponsored meetings and events to improve attendance

    To deliver the best in class annual meetings and/or industry conferences, the marketing department desired feedback on events and meetings to identify strengths and weaknesses for planning purposes.

    To gain insight into attendees experience and preferences, to profile attendee behaviors and identify any shifts in demographics.

    Marketing and event planning departments use the information to make changes to the program for the following year.

  • Evaluating multiple positionings for new product SKUs within an established category

    While the brand team regularly performs concept testing to continually test new product ideas, this program included ingredient evaluations in an effort to see if trendy healthy ingredients made a difference to purchase consideration within the category.

    To measure product concepts on key measures identifying which concepts should move forward into product development.

    Our research identified clear winners and insights about ingredients for R&D.

  • Measuring marketing effectiveness and ROI of product sampling

    The brand team wanted to reach teens at point of entry. An educational program was developed to fit within school health curriculums.

    To determine the differential impact of a high school sampling program on category growth, brand awareness and purchase behavior for an acne facial cleanser.

    The point of entry market program successfully brought new users to the acne care category, significantly driving awareness, purchase, affinity and advocacy for the brand. Teachers were able to effectively work the lessons into their curriculum.